
Address of Aerofit Customer Care India, Head Office

Updated On : 07-Jul-2024

Aerofit is a brand of health / beauty products. It is one of the premium provider of innovative and high-tech fitness products and services. It is the trade name of Om Surya Sports which was launched in the year 2010. The company offers a full range of fitness equipment to customers. Commercial fitness equipment, gym fitness equipment, spin bike, fitness equipment and strength equipment etc. It brings high-tech equipment and fitness gadgets with many special features. To make the products available to all, it brings the products at affordable prices. By providing gym equipment it focuses on creating awareness to live a healthy life by exercising. Products can be used at home, commercial gym clubs, health and sports clubs. With successful marketing the company had gained a prestigious name in the industry for providing long functional life and convenient gym equipment.

Aerofit Contact Details:

If you want to inquire about the full range of fitness equipment offered by the company or request for a service, customers are requested to use the phone number below to solve their problem . Customer Support Number: 09545199085. Phone Number: + (91) -9666990990, + (91) -9948089184. contact number: + (91) - (40) -40144545. Fax: + (91) - (40) -40144545.

Contact Address:

Om Surya Khel Serial No. 2/27, Himja Plaza, Main Road, Nizampet Cross Road, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072, Telangana, India. To know the latest news about the company's fitness products, please see the company's official Website.

Address of Aerofit Customer Care India, Head Office

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