
Birla Tires Customer Care, Email Address, Customer Support

Updated On : 05-Jul-2024

Birla Tires is a part of Kesoram Industries Limited which was established in the year 1991. It includes a world-class manufacturing plant located at Laskar in Uttarakhand, with a productivity of over 44 lakh truck tires per year. The first pants were launched in Balasore in collaboration with Pirelli, a popular tire manufacturer in the world. With increased productivity and increasing popularity of best quality products, the company now exports to more than 50 countries. The company is committed to growing the business with the help of attractive plans for over 3200 dealers across the globe. It is recognized for its best quality products and has received numerous recognition for maintaining best quality management. Tires manufactured by the company are used for automobiles, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, agricultural vehicles and heavy earth mowers.

Birla Tires Contact Details:

If you wish to inquire about any of the company's products, please use the email address below to drop your query to the customer support team.

Email address:

Normal: Export: Marketing: Purchase: EDP: For inquiries and comments, customers can use it Contact Form Contact website provided to the main website to submit its query. To avail this service, please visit the given link and to know more detailed information about the company, please visit Birla Tires Website. Birla tires

Birla Tires Customer Care, Email Address, Customer Support

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